The Benelux partnership celebrates its 60th anniversary.
The Convention on Cross-border Policing is implemented. The objective is to facilitate police cooperation across borders (joint patrols, checks, observation and pursuit of suspects etc.).
Signing of the Convention on Cross-border Policing.
The Schengen Agreement comes into force. The Benelux, France and Germany abolish internal border controls.
Implementation the Benelux Treaty. The main objectives are:
The Benelux Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union is signed.
Protocol on trade policy. The objective is to establish a common policy on imports from and exports to third countries.
Implementation the customs union. The objective is to abolish import duties on internal trade within the Benelux and to establish a common external tariff for trade with third countries.
The governments of the three Benelux countries sign a monetary agreement. The objective is to create a framework for transactions and to strengthen economic ties.