The study ‘Scientific support on methodological improvements of Resource Adequacy Assessments prepared by the Pentalateral Energy Forum’ is the first in a series of interlinked studies ordered by the ministers of energy of the Pentalateral Energy Forum. As a member of the Pentalateral Energy Forum, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany has conducted the study in cooperation with the Forum. The study was performed by a consortium composed of Guidehouse Germany GmbH, r2b energy consulting GmbH and Compass Lexecon. The project was coordinated with the members of the Pentalateral Energy Forum.
Resource Adequacy Assessments (RAA) are providing support for policy makers by indicating the level of resource adequacy given specific assumptions and scenarios regarding the development of the electricity system for the next 10 years. More specifically, an important objective of the RAA is to inform political decision-makers whether it can be expected that a given reliability standard will be met based on current market settings and/or specific additional measures, such as capacity markets.
The Support Group 2 of the Pentalateral Energy Forum has been dealing with the modelling of resource adequacy since years and commissioned three RAAs in this time from the TSOs of the Penta-region. Taking one step further, the Pentaforum has decided to conduct a study on specific aspects of RAAs where possibilities for developing existing methodological approaches further were identified.
A consortium of Guidehouse Germany, Compass Lexecon and r2b energy consulting conducted this study and provided input on the following methodological aspects of RAA:
1. Sources for and quality of data being used to model RAAs (Work Package 1)
2. Methodologies to determine Demand-side Response (DSR) potentials (WP 2)
3. Approaches for economic viability assessments in RAA (WP 3),
4. Scientific assessment of the options to consider climate change (WP 4), and
5. Explanatory and analytical power of RAA regarding extreme scenarios (WP 5).
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in cooperation with the Pentalateral Energy Forum