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A thriving economy
concrete initiatives

Doing business, working and living in two different countries requires flexibility and compatibility across many business activities, both for employees and for companies.

The Benelux aims to continue its transformation into a dynamic economic region that removes cross-border barriers and continues to boost employment across borders. In this context, the Benelux Union supports the many cross-border workers and companies on its territory with cross-border economic activities.

Working across borders with legal certainty on tax and social security

Cross-border workers living in a different country from where they work are sometimes left in the dark as to which social security and tax arrangements apply to them. If you’re familiar with this situation, the Benelux Union offers support in the form of useful information in brochures available in a digital format and on the Benelux Starting Point for Cross-border Workers portal. Cross-border workers can use this portal to find detailed information about their specific situation.

First-hand information for cross-border retail

If you are a retailer looking to trade across borders within the Benelux or physically establish yourself in a Benelux country, the Benelux Union has launched portal for retailers.

The Benelux Retail Information Point offers information on:

  • the applicable Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg legislation on retail and the establishment of a retail business
  • taxes and duties
  • labour law
  • consumer protection
  • product standards
  • retail sales
  • e-commerce
  • waste processing

Preventing tax and social fraud through close cooperation

Tax fraud: the abolition of borders within the European Union and the huge rise in online trade now make it possible to make a purchase anywhere and anytime of your choosing. That said, this development is not all positive, as it comes hand-in-hand with new forms of wrongdoing in the field of tax fraud. The three Benelux countries have been actively cooperating for twenty years to prevent fraudulent schemes such as VAT carousel fraud.

Social fraud: social fraud poses a serious risk to society because it creates unfair competition for businesses that do stick to the rules and leads to social decline. Examples of social fraud include the fraudulent use of temporary employment agencies, wrongful receipt of benefits or non-compliance with regulations on the employment of foreign workers. To combat the harmful effects of this phenomenon and to keep up with the rapidly changing methods and techniques employed by fraudsters, the Benelux countries have gradually developed multilateral cooperation based on concrete projects.

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