
Recognition of degrees, sustainable and environmentally focused education To guarantee the best possible education for their citizens, the Benelux countries are joining forces to contribute to a European higher education area.

When planning your professional life, you should be able to focus on your studies, and there should be no need to worry about whether your degree is valid in another country. The Benelux Union has worked to ensure that this is the case across the three Benelux countries and, more recently, in the Baltic States.

Automatic recognition of degrees

Started your studies in Belgium and want to continue them in the Netherlands, or want to work in Belgium after studying in Luxembourg? It’s all possible. Since 2015, automatic mutual recognition of bachelor’s and master’s degrees means administrative hurdles are a thing of the past. And since 2018, this mutual recognition also applies to associate degrees and doctorates.

Beyond our borders: an agreement with the Baltic states

Since September 2021, the automatic recognition of higher education degrees between the three Benelux countries has been extended to university degrees obtained in the three Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The six countries currently form the only region in the European higher education area where degrees are automatically recognised.

In specific terms, this results in greater mobility for students and instant administrative simplification:

  • recognition without lengthy administrative procedures
  • procedures that are free of charge
  • validation of degrees to work or continue one’s education in one of the member states

Transition to a sustainable society through education and awareness-raising

Nature and Environment Education (NEE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) both aim to make young people and adults aware of sustainability challenges our society faces, and encourage them to change their behaviour and conduct themselves as responsible citizens. The Benelux countries are working together closely in this field. Thanks to the support of the Benelux counties, many organisations active in the field of NEE and ESD are able to offer training, activities, projects or campaigns to foster more specific cross-border cooperation.